Saturday, February 13, 2010

Disapointing Balkin Tunebase Fm

Malltoons (Vol. 09): Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Follow Up Email Post Interview

Trailer: Kick-Ass (IV)

As I said in the past : The film that I have more desire to see in 2010.

New Red Band Trailer:

And a new and good news on Kick-Ass: Finally, after much waiting, we have the comic book published in Spain in April 2010 .

Monday, February 1, 2010

How Many Calories In A Takeaway Chow

Teaser: Lost (Lost) Four

opens the sixth and final season of the most important series in the history of television.

And until then, have left many trailers, teasers, promos and other different names at the bottom are the same: Bait. Baits

they want to achieve that we want to see the end of this series. And they get far, because I do not take it anymore.

Pongo are three who have or show something different to that seen in past seasons.

First, the official promo Comic-Con 2009:

Now, an ad for Oceanic Airlines :

Y para terminar, otro anuncio, esta vez de Mr. Clucks , la cadena de comida rápida que compró Hurley:

Éste último me lo descubrió Juan , persona tan entendida en Perdidos, que ha encontrado la villa de La Iniciativa Dharma en la vida real . Increíble.

Ya queda menos para disfrutar, sufrir, o ambas cosas.