Saturday, April 30, 2011

Leather Care Cleaning Kit Natuzzi

gift! New Dawn Images

Tomorrow is my birthday, yeah! I like for the gifts that is what I leave my friend's blog Angy Out of the Blue THANKS!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bang For Your Buck Camcorder

After a timeout I bring you more pictures of Dawn:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Why Is My Dog Sicking Up Mucus

Award! James Marsters

much I want to thank the blog Angy Out of the Blue , my vampii for this award. ANGY THANKS!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Generateur Autocad 2004


Can you believe it? Even I had forgotten, but better late than never, our favorite vampire 48 civilly married this June 24 with his girlfriend of 25 years Patricia Rahman (Marsters). Even if they had wanted and I wish a long and happy marriage!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Why Does Strep Hurt Worse At Night

Are you poor? Then you go to hell! Sucker Punch

E so is more or less what our buddy says Ruiz Gallardon, the mayor of Madrid, which has proposed that the Popular Party for general include a bill he gets from the street to all the homeless ... but to gross eye.

A nda and the guy would say "All quiet, let's fix the mess of ZetaParo this and we will keep rates at 0.2, such as alcohol, not, it the very mouthy and has been released by the mailbox whose mouth, "He who sleeps on the street is because he wants to, as there are enough places in shelters."

T Oma already, Gallardón órdago!

C Laro yes, if people are being tontalculo, people do not realize that they will be better to give them a bed and some food before lying on any sidewalk or cashier BSCH, there with their cardboard Cajica getting the slackers.

S i is that, you know what happens Alberto, who as the good weather has arrived and Solete with average 26 degree day, the homeless have said "what the hell, I'm poor but I can be tanned, that this league is. "

"I told the boss that we will win ...
- Is the European Cup? "The League!? But how the Guardiola knows all this already?

"No, tontolaboina, what are going to win the general election say, and then we will be able to do whatever we want in this country, being, as is the courtyard, no one will say or moo.
-Mu ...

- I these cool?
"No, ciborium, which say that many good I think, it's about time!

"Oh, well ...
- And what happens to blow you to the staff? Because it is now it seems worthy lot and it will cost over that eh?

"Well, look, for the time we get a bill adding the speed limit on motorways to 180 ...
- huh?

-... and another to ban cars with engines take in excess of 90 per hour, and fucked to the rock but well, well.
- I like! What else?

"Then let's make a law that not only clear the smoke, but it forces people to smoke in enclosed spaces and surfaces can be no greater than 3.5 meters. And you smoke less than 20 cigarettes, shall be fined.
- What if we put something like, "you need to copy downloaded 200 times in his facebook wall, I will not steal the bread Ramoncín?

"Better than that. Let's make a law, hold on, you'll see that laughter to attack the weak, those people who are unemployed or a penny dead, those useless in society that are a blight on humanity ...
- Members?

- The homeless, mmmmuajajajajajajajaajajajajajaja!
- Oh, what wonderful idea! Of course, as are so dumb that we can not have union currar based spine well ... Mmmmmuajajajajajajajajaja, me too!

sto E will bring tail as I see it, because since the Gallardón has said, have heard stupid things like "Too many councils of all political stripes who want a by law. "

E n the opposite side of the scale, the Socialist candidate for Mayor Jaime Lissavetzky said very clearly that "This law has a whiff of Vagrants and Crooks Franco regime" and President of Substitute Judges Association Concepción Arenal, Alfredo Munoz, said that "It is a legal lot that goes against the principles of the Constitution" and goes "Article 19 says that all English people have the right to move throughout the country."

S ea as, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the big circus of the century English politics XXI! Spend, spend, there are still empty seats in the front row!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Signature For Funeral

IberBLH No. 82 - Bulletin of the Iberoamerican Program of Human Milk Banks

To read the newsletter click here

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Yamaha Phazer Carb Specs

hat Q well I film premiered this season. After taking months without going, I decide to stay with a friend to see my first movie of the year on the big screen (and to whet your appetite before Thor) and I find a surprise like this.


ur character is Baby Doll, a 20 year old girl who lives with his mother and stepfather who abused her and her younger sister.

l A mother died, things get complicated and stepfather to give vent to their basest instincts and trying to defend him, kills sister by mistake with father's gun. Because of this unfortunate fact, just locked in a mental center and that, moreover, is the only living heir to the fortune of her late mother who wants to steal his stepfather.

T otal that to escape the harsh reality, the mind of Baby Doll is mounted film is indeed working on a show of dancing Moulin Rouge type (with a little more sensuality, all be said) with a chief operator and curling over the loop, when you have to dance again to escape to a new world where samurai fight with giant stone against Nazi zombies or against orcs guarding a castle with a huge dragon.

T this period to achieve the five objects to help you escape with his companions ... if they succeed.


L a story is fine, either in real life (very hard final) as happens in the imagination of the protagonist. The special effects are fine (after all directed by Zack Snyder, the "300", you know). And the variety is revisiting the film world after world is fine.

P or like I like to sugarcane soundtrack in which we will hear from Bjork to a remix of Queen.

ave do "but"? Yes, that is a film, in principle, to take a while since, as he announced the director is shooting a movie and pretty girls. Ie it is a great exercise but do not expect popping performances of the century ...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Brazilian Wax Shawnee

IberBLH Communication No. 81 - Bulletin of the Iberoamerican Program of BLH

To read the newsletter click here